We had such a great time, during our latest French Night.
A lot of people came to share this bilingual moment with us
Faithful visitors were there
as well as new ones
and it was so nice to feel they appreciated the moment.
Families are welcome
Nathalie's lovely sons who came to support their mother !
Translation is a passion !
Literature and happy hour rime
Little chat before we start
A smile on everyone's face

Why resist it ?
We got started with Pim, the Butcher, the main character of Joy Sorman's novel,
Like a beast - Comme une bĂȘte.
Like a beast - Comme une bĂȘte.
Lara Vergnaud (above) and Nathalie Roussel (below) read excerpts of the two first chapters
and we could hear
"the butcher chops up pigs in fast-forward,
vertebrae bone by bone,
extracts a rack of ribs, carves a rump steak"
Thanks to Lara's translation, the text in English is as uninhibited
as it is in French
Then Emmanuelle Ertel and her students who translated the text read excerpts of the first chapter
of In the sky with diamonds - Tous les diamants du Ciel, by Claro,
in which the young baker fixes his bread in the midst of the night.
of In the sky with diamonds - Tous les diamants du Ciel, by Claro,
in which the young baker fixes his bread in the midst of the night.
Thanks to Andrew Olshevki,
Emmanuelle Ertel,
Coralie Hamache,
Aurora Bell,
and Matthew Berenbaum
for their reading and their translation
and thanks to all the other students who contributed as well
And last but not least, Tom Radigan and Isabelle Milkoff read the two first chapters
of Viviane Elisabeth Fauville by Julia Deck
of Viviane Elisabeth Fauville by Julia Deck
in which you are not feeling very well
because you just had a kid,
got divorced
and killed your psycho-analyst,
The French nights are over for the season now but they will come back as soon as possible in the fall
Don't miss them